Gabb Phone Plus: The Next Step In Kid-Safe Tech
JUN 14, 2022
Gabb Phone Plus: The Next Step In Kid-Safe Tech
Parents today are faced with a unique challenge.
Protecting our kids from the dangers of social media, excessive screen time, and the internet in general is a challenge past generations never had to consider. But smart devices (and everything you can access through them) also provide opportunities and benefits that past generations never could have imagined. Keeping your kids from them forever isn’t realistic.
You know your child and what they’re ready for. We provide the tools that help you introduce them to the digital world at a pace appropriate for them. That’s why we’re big proponents of approaching tech in steps.
Gabb Watch and Gabb Phone provide safe first steps into the digital world. Both are “locked-down” devices that allow you to stay connected with them before they are ready for social media, internet access, or other features. The new Gabb Phone Plus is the next step in that progression.
It’s still Gabb safe–no social media, no internet, no games–but Gabb Phone Plus is a premium phone built to grow with your child by allowing you to add additional apps as your child is ready for them.
Gabb Phone Plus combines Samsung quality and Gabb safety
One of the most immediately obvious benefits of Gabb Phone Plus is its premium quality. The all-metal frame gives it improved durability, and the slimmer profile feels great—especially in kid and teen hands.
Swipe through the menu, pop open apps, or watch videos on the vibrant edge-to-edge Infinity Display and you’ll see immediately that this is the phone for kids who want an adult smartphone but aren’t quite ready for everything those bring. It looks and feels like the best phones available today.
The Gabb Phone Plus comes with a 5 MP front camera and 8 MP back camera and top-tier Samsung processing power gives the images crisp, clear resolution. Samsung also delivers a long-lasting battery so you can stay connected with your kid, even if he or she isn’t perfect at recharging regularly.
All of this is combined with Gabb’s world-class safety.

Apps they want, and that you don’t need to worry about
You can rest assured that Gabb Phone Plus will never come with social media or other unsafe apps. But you’ll also be excited to learn that we’re actively curating the best in kid-safe apps so you’ll have the option to add the apps as their needs evolve.
That growing list of apps will include both custom Gabb apps as well as 3rd-party apps.
We’ll never enable access to an app that hasn’t been Gabb-vetted for safety. But we know kids change everyday, so we want to make sure your child’s Gabb Phone Plus can grow with them.
Those apps will be curated from the following categories:
- Creativity
- Education
- Finance
- Health
- Travel/Maps
- Team Sports
- Spirituality
- Productivity
In addition to that forthcoming list of safe apps, Gabb Phone Plus comes pre-installed with these 14 apps:
- Gabb Music
- Gabb Messenger
- Gabb Cloud
- Phone
- Contacts
- Camera
- Gallery
- Notes
- Calendar
- Calculator
- Clock
- My Files
- Settings
Gabb Music
Gabb Music is one we’re especially excited about. Recently released, it gives your kids the largest (and always growing) clean music library of hits, classics, and new releases from every genre and era. We don’t bleep or blur. If it isn’t age-appropriate then it isn’t included in the library.
And with Gabb Phone Plus, your kid will also be able to upgrade to Gabb Music Plus (coming soon), which allows them to customize their own playlists, search for specific songs, and download tracks directly to their device.

Kid-first technology
The last decade or so has been a pretty big learning experience for all of us.
Tech innovation opened up the world in unprecedented ways, both good and bad. It’s fair to say that the general innovation trend has been to push to see how much we can do, with a lot less thought put into what the implications might be. Especially for kids.
As the negative implications of an increasingly digital world have become more clear, most have responded simply by tacking on some safety settings to tech clearly designed for adults.
Kids deserve better.
Gabb Phone Plus is what happens when kids are the first thought in tech innovation. Because as a parent, you deserve tools made for them.
Joseph Haller on Jul 12, 2022 04:27 PM
Can you add a video chat option
Gabb on Jul 26, 2022 11:51 AM
This is something we can take to our team and be sure they get this feedback. Thank you for your suggestion.
Meredith on Aug 01, 2022 02:03 PM
Are there group chat options? And can texts be deleted by my child? I want to be able to check texts as he is first starting out.
Gabb on Aug 02, 2022 09:20 AM
Yes, there is a group chat plan you can choose for the phone. With Gabb Messenger, all messages will be archived and unable to be deleted by your child.
Aaron on Aug 04, 2022 04:58 AM
Do you have a list of the current approved apps that will be released for Gabb Plus?
Becky on Aug 04, 2022 11:27 AM
Does the Gabb Phone Plus block inappropriate pics or texts being sent to the phone from people in their contacts?
Crozier on Aug 07, 2022 01:53 PM
Is the UDB app ( available on the gabb phone plus?
RJM on Aug 07, 2022 05:42 PM
I'm wondering if Bark will be on the approved apps in the future? I don't want to give my kid a smartphone but I know that they have been able to delete text messages on their Gabb phone which has lead to problems. At this point we are leaning toward the smartphone with Bark so we can get alerted of anything concerning unless the new Gabb phone will have this feature in the near future. 🤞
Athena on Aug 09, 2022 08:52 AM
When will the safe 3rd party apps be available to the gabb phone plus?
Vicky on Aug 09, 2022 04:56 PM
What is the timeframe like for the future curated apps? And any specific names of apps?
Anthony on Aug 12, 2022 04:11 AM
When will the third party apps be available?
Troy on Aug 12, 2022 10:17 PM
When are the 3rd party apps coming out
gabb user on Aug 13, 2022 10:36 PM
you literally cannot listen to music locally. fix this
Gabb on Aug 15, 2022 01:57 PM
Hi Aaron, thank you for your question. Right now, we do not have an approved list as these apps are still being scrubbed and none have been completely finalized. Once we do have information, you will hear about it on our website or social media channels.
Gabb on Aug 15, 2022 01:59 PM
Gabb Messenger provides the safest SMS (text), MMS (photo/video), and group chat options available today. It automatically filters offensive language, blocks spam, keeps data safe, and more.
Gabb on Aug 15, 2022 02:01 PM
It is not, but we will give this feedback to our team and let them know it is something that could be helpful for kids to have access to.
Gabb on Aug 15, 2022 02:02 PM
There is still a fluid timeline but we are getting this done as soon as we can. Our top priority is to make sure that any app kids have access to is completely safe.
Gabb on Aug 15, 2022 02:02 PM
There is still a fluid timeline but we are getting this done as soon as we can. Our top priority is to make sure that any app kids have access to is completely safe.
Gabb on Aug 15, 2022 02:03 PM
There is still a fluid timeline and no list is currently available but we are getting this done as soon as we can. Our top priority is to make sure that any app kids have access to is completely safe.
Gabb on Aug 15, 2022 02:03 PM
There is still a fluid timeline and no list is currently available but we are getting this done as soon as we can. Our top priority is to make sure that any app kids have access to is completely safe.
Gabb on Aug 15, 2022 02:06 PM
Gabb Messenger will not allow kids to delete any messages. All messages will be archived. Other than that, there is no need for Bark technology on Gabb Phones right now because they are completely safe and free from internet, social media, and games.
Gabb on Aug 15, 2022 04:25 PM
We appreciate your feedback and will take it to our team.
John Doe on Aug 17, 2022 03:27 PM
Will you allow Marco Polo app?
Gabb User on Aug 17, 2022 03:47 PM
Will Gabb allow dafit health app?? My kid has a dafit smartwatch and wants to connect it to is gabb phone plus
Gabb on Aug 18, 2022 09:58 AM
We are currently building our app offering and this is one we will pass along to our team! We have very particular guidelines for apps we will offer and our priority is the safety of kids. If the app fits within our guidelines, it will be offered.
Gabb on Aug 18, 2022 09:59 AM
Currently, the phone can only be paired to the parent phone.
Gabb User on Aug 22, 2022 12:04 PM
On the Gabb phone plus there is no Media Player. When I tried to address this with the Gabb support team they simply replied that they did this to force people to use the Gabb music app as it was a safe way for kids to listen to music. Translation parents do not know what is good for their kids.
Gabb User on Aug 22, 2022 01:31 PM
Please consider: Guitar tuner app, guitar lessons app, Google maps, and Outlook Email and Gmail Email.
Gabb on Aug 25, 2022 12:01 PM
Hi there. Because we now offer Gabb Music, we do want our customers to try the service and see if it will work for their families. It is completely safe and has gone through the extensive manual and automatic testing. We hope you will consider it if you are looking for clean music streaming.
Gabb on Aug 25, 2022 12:02 PM
Thank you for the feedback! We have given these suggestions to our product team.
Jenna on Sep 01, 2022 11:28 AM
Would it be posssible to let the parents decide what is best for their children? Can the parents choose if the kids listens to explicit music? Or can we download clean apps? Like Classroom? On apple you can put settings in where the kid can request an app and the parent can approve or not approve it. Teens need more freedom than kids. So maybe having teen settings? Or something like that. I just need you to understand that teens and kids are very different. Well, that is most of what I needed to say! Thank you!
Noah on Sep 05, 2022 12:20 PM
gabb phone has really helped me and my social life. i used to be the only kid without a phone but now im not. i can easily text and call my friends. i love that i can have multiple friends on one call. i also love the camera feature. highly recomend to parents
Susan on Sep 08, 2022 11:22 PM
Duolingo app, dictionary app, alarm app, and Bible app would be great.
Ashley on Sep 09, 2022 02:50 PM
when will the third party apps come out?
Ashley on Sep 09, 2022 02:51 PM
is there a certain date when the third party apps will be available?
Grace on Sep 13, 2022 04:25 PM
When will 3rd party apps become available on the gabb phone plus?
Gabb on Sep 15, 2022 09:42 AM
On the Gabb Phone Plus, any 3rd party apps will need to be approved by the parent and added to the device. We appreciate this feedback and will take it to our team!
Gabb on Sep 15, 2022 09:43 AM
Noah! We are so glad to hear this. Thank you for your support!
Gabb on Sep 15, 2022 09:46 AM
Hi Susan! Lucky for you, all are in the works! Thank you for your suggestions and support.
Gabb on Sep 15, 2022 09:47 AM
Hi Ashley, they are currently being developed and made safe for kids. You will see the first apps roll out before the end of the year!
Gabb on Sep 15, 2022 09:47 AM
Hi Ashley, they are currently being developed and made safe for kids. You will see the first apps roll out before the end of the year!
Gabb on Sep 15, 2022 09:48 AM
Hi Grace, they are currently being developed and made safe for kids. You will see the first apps roll out before the end of the year!
Pierce Hanna on Sep 17, 2022 09:16 AM
I would really like to know how to add extra apps on my kid's phone, I'd like to add apps such as Scriptures and Library for my son but there are no posts on how to add extra apps.
Gabb on Sep 19, 2022 04:25 PM
Hi Pierce, for the Gabb Phone Plus, no additional apps are available yet but they will be available in the coming months and added as options to add to the phone. There is not a set timeline but the team is working hard to make these available as soon as possible.
FairfaxCityDad on Sep 25, 2022 03:16 PM
For my teenagers, I recommend adding the following list of 3rd party apps: MS Outlook, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, Gmail, Google Maps, as well as the following health related apps: FitBit, Garmin Connect, Garmin IQ, Strava.
Gabb on Sep 26, 2022 10:13 AM
Hi there, we appreciate your feedback letting us know what apps your family would utilize. We will pass this along to our product team!
Bill Elliott on Sep 26, 2022 05:40 PM
I can receive a call but I can’t call my grandaughter Her parents can. Is there blocking?
Gabb on Sep 27, 2022 12:14 PM
Gabb Guard will block unknown numbers. However, your number should be approved on the Gabb Phone. The Gabb Watch can only call 25 approved contacts. If you contact support, they can help troubleshoot your situation.
Susan Youngberg on Sep 28, 2022 05:16 AM
I'm needing a few phones for my teens but they have to have a phone with Google classroom, remind, Google docs, Google sheets, Google slides, our school doesn't use books they only use school Chrome books and there phones for homework and communication from there teachers and there assignments, will you have these kind of apps for there school, I will be getting there phones this Christmas and need to know if they will have these apps that they are required to have or if I will have to find another phone for them.
Susan Youngberg on Sep 28, 2022 05:21 AM
My kids need to have google classroom, skyward, and remind on there phones these apps are required, our school only uses phones and Chrome books for homework and communication with there teachers and will need there education things on there. Will these be some of the apps you will have.
Gabb on Sep 28, 2022 10:55 AM
Hi Susan, thank you for reaching out. We understand how important it is for teens to have these apps for school. Our top priority is to keep kids safe when using our devices. Our team is working hard to make sure any 3rd party apps we release are safe for kids. This process is well under way and the first apps will be released before the end of the year.
Gabb on Sep 28, 2022 10:56 AM
Hi Susan, thank you for reaching out. We understand how important it is for teens to have these apps for school. Our top priority is to keep kids safe when using our devices. Our team is working hard to make sure any 3rd party apps we release are safe for kids. This process is well under way and the first apps will be released before the end of the year.
Jake Gowans on Sep 29, 2022 05:48 AM
I wanted to know if you guys would add a Gospel Library app for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints so I could read scriptures on this phone.
Johanna Donaldson on Sep 29, 2022 01:15 PM
Hi Jake, thank you for your message. We are happy to report that spirituality apps will be available on the Gabb Phone Plus before the end of the year.
Tanner on Sep 29, 2022 05:19 PM
I was wondering if you could have the gospel library app for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It could be very useful, so if you would please consider it.
Gabb on Sep 30, 2022 02:03 PM
Hi Tanner, thank you for your message. We are happy to report that spirituality apps will be available on the Gabb Phone Plus before the end of the year.
Owen on Oct 06, 2022 12:15 PM
Will the Gabb Have any kid-friendly games added?
Tommy on Oct 10, 2022 05:09 PM
i would like to use my itech wearables watch on my gabb plus
Gabb on Oct 13, 2022 04:50 PM
Thanks for the insight Tommy! We'll let our product team know.
Gabb on Oct 14, 2022 12:46 PM
Hello! We will be releasing safe 3rd party apps in the following categories: creativity, education, finance, health, travel/maps, team sports, spirituality, productivity.
Abby! on Oct 19, 2022 06:12 AM
Can we get a flappy bird?
Gabb on Oct 19, 2022 03:34 PM
Hi Abby, we will let our product team know that this has been requested!
Monae Guercio on Oct 21, 2022 07:32 PM
Will there be another way to log into the gabb phone plus besides just password, like fingerprint or Face ID?
Gabb on Oct 22, 2022 08:33 PM
I was just wondering if you could add the Simply Piano app.
Anonymous on Oct 22, 2022 08:40 PM
Can we also get a stargazing app such as Skyview, and plant identification app like Leafsnap?
Athena on Oct 24, 2022 02:48 PM
Hi! This is Athena again and my son is BEGGING to have the 3rd party apps for the Gabb Phone Plus, do you know why it is taking quite a while?
Gabb on Oct 24, 2022 03:28 PM
Hi Monae, there is currently not any other way but this may be a feature on future devices. We will make sure our product team sees this request.
Johanna Donaldson on Oct 24, 2022 03:28 PM
This is a great suggestion! We have mentioned it to our product team.
Gabb on Oct 24, 2022 03:29 PM
These are great suggestions. We have let our product teams know about them.
Gabb on Oct 24, 2022 03:30 PM
Hi Athena, thank you for reaching out. This is something we have in the works. Our first 3rd party apps will be rolling out before the end of the year!
Will on Oct 28, 2022 01:52 PM
Can you add "Tetris" as a 3rd party app?
Gabb on Oct 31, 2022 04:51 PM
Hi there, this is something we have let our product team know about!
tommy on Nov 01, 2022 01:37 PM
it says that some apps are coming this holiday. does that mean thanksgiving or christmas?
London on Nov 01, 2022 09:34 PM
Could you make it so you can delete texts? It's taking up some storage on my device.
Jodie on Nov 01, 2022 09:39 PM
And also it would be more than amazing if there was a FaceTime feature! I always am asking my daughter to facetime me forgetting it isn't an option. Thanks!
Charity Seymour on Nov 02, 2022 06:59 AM
says: My son needs ability to download The Groupme app for his high school basketball team messaging notifications from Coach. Is this possible? I am very pleased with GABB and am looking forward to opportunity to add parent approved apps for my teens! Thank you!
Gabb on Nov 07, 2022 02:24 PM
We are hoping to have the first ones roll out just before Christmas.
Gabb on Nov 07, 2022 03:23 PM
Thank you for the feedback. We will make sure our team sees this!
Gabb on Nov 07, 2022 03:24 PM
Thank you for the feedback, Jodie. FaceTime or something similar would likely require internet or access to wifi so we will let our team know.
Gabb on Nov 07, 2022 03:29 PM
Hi Charity, we appreciate this feedback and will make sure our team sees this. Right now, GroupMe is not allowed but there is an option for group messaging on the phone. We are excited for the first apps to roll out!
Gabb User on Nov 07, 2022 09:45 PM
apps to recommend: seesaw, powerschool, gospel library, gospel living, come follow me app, band, kahoot, libby, duolingo, khan academy, spotify, garmin connect, strava
Nicole on Nov 08, 2022 05:11 PM
Would buy it FaceTime was an option! My kids rather communicate with me on FaceTime vs phone calls and text.
gabb user on Nov 08, 2022 08:57 PM
I read that it is possible to install apps from local apk packages, but this is not working. Is that on purpose, or is it a problem you're working on?
Crew V on Nov 09, 2022 07:44 AM
Would it be possible to add a fitness app (aside from the team sports app) that could track your workouts and the distance you run? I run and lift weights often, so this would be a cool feature!
Elli on Nov 09, 2022 12:13 PM
Hi! I was wondering, the vibrations when you type, can you make them stop, or are they glued into the phone so you can't? Also, my parents just bought this for me, and I love the GABB music app! I use it to listen to music on the bus to school. :)
Gabb on Nov 10, 2022 04:41 PM
Thank you for all of these helpful suggestions. We have let our product team know!
Gabb on Nov 10, 2022 04:42 PM
We appreciate the feedback and will make sure our product team sees it.
Gabb on Nov 10, 2022 04:43 PM
Our 3rd party apps are not currently available but they will be available before the end of the year on the Gabb Phone Plus.
Gabb on Nov 10, 2022 05:05 PM
This is great feedback! We will make sure our team sees this.
Gabb on Nov 10, 2022 05:06 PM
We are so happy that you love it! You should be able to turn off vibrations in the sound app. If you need help troubleshooting, please chat in to our customer service team and they can help you with that.
Aubrey on Nov 13, 2022 06:03 PM
Another vote here for specifically the Gospel Library app. And I am totally of the belief that there are so many specific circumstances that would be impossible for you guys to thoroughly scrub and make available to everyone. I would be strongly in favor of parental rights to add any app they feel is safe for their children without it needing to go through Gabb. The guitar tuning app someone mentioned in an earlier comment is a great example of a very niche need of a specific child that is very productivity and creativity promoting, but unlikely to be a high priority for the whole group at large.
Colt on Nov 14, 2022 06:50 PM
Can you make an music player app so previously purchased music can be added? The current audio player app is TERRIBLE. Thanks!
Gabb on Nov 17, 2022 04:29 PM
Hi Aubrey, Thank you for your feedback. We are happy to say that several gospel apps will be added to the Gabb Phone Plus before the end of the year.
Gabb on Nov 17, 2022 04:37 PM
Hi Colt, thank you for reaching out. Gabb Music is a comprehensive music streaming app that has all the hits with no explicit. Hopefully, this is something you can look into.
Gabb User on Nov 20, 2022 10:20 AM
I have been using Gabb Music it is not compressive I find that if I listen to it for more than 15 mins I keep hearing the same exact songs. Also, the limitations on skips and WiFi restrictions make it hard to listen to on the go. I am aware that you plan on eventually releasing the music plus but unless you improve your extremely limited library it not help.
Devin on Nov 20, 2022 01:28 PM
Remind, Canvas, Amazon Music please?
gabb user on Nov 20, 2022 10:31 PM
I know that you guys don't want to add games to the phone. So I wondered if you guys ever considered adding (the ok) games with screen time limits. Just had a suggestion. But I think it would be a great idea.
Gabb on Nov 22, 2022 05:09 PM
Hi Devin! Thank you for your feedback.
Gabb on Nov 22, 2022 05:10 PM
Hi there. Gabb Music works off of playlists so if you change the playlist, you should find that the music will also change. We appreciate all of this feedback and will take it to our Gabb Music team.
Gabb on Nov 22, 2022 05:11 PM
We appreciate your support! Never say never ;) More than anything, we want to ensure that kids stay safe on our devices. We would never want to compromise the safety of kids who rely on our devices.
Liam Donaldson on Nov 23, 2022 09:20 PM
is the gabb phone plus going to have any games or fun apps to use during free time?
Adam Feik on Nov 24, 2022 09:06 AM
I wish Gabb could add some games that are safe for kids and let parents decide whether to allow the games on their kids' phones, with time limits. Kids need to have fun too. Also I enthusiastically agree with those asking for the Gospel Library app from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. That would be awesome!
gabb user on Nov 26, 2022 05:07 PM
Could you look at adding the WeVideo app? Also, could you bring back the timelapse for the camera? And maybe even add slo-mo? Thanks.
Tyler Walker on Nov 26, 2022 09:36 PM
What day are the third party apps supposed to be realised? it says that they are already avaliable but i see no option to add any yet.
Gabb on Nov 28, 2022 12:10 PM
Great question, Liam! We are currently in the works of evaluating this. You should see an announcement in the coming months.
Gabb on Nov 28, 2022 12:11 PM
Hi Adam, Gospel Library is now available on the Gabb Phone Plus! We appreciate your feedback about games and will make sure our team sees it.
Gabb on Nov 28, 2022 12:13 PM
Thank you for the suggestions and feedback! We will make sure our team sees this.
Gabb on Nov 28, 2022 12:14 PM
Hi there, they are available now on the Gabb Phone Plus through the parent MyAccount. You can read more info on how to install them here:
Gabb Parent on Dec 03, 2022 12:09 AM
Can you please add a media player. I am subscribed to Gabb music but with the reductions my kid keeps asking for a device to listen to music while not on WiFi. You still have not made that available.
Stephanie G. on Dec 03, 2022 05:41 AM
Is there a way yall could get a book app that doesn't require a library card. My kids school does not use the program yall offer. Also a few games would be great for when she has down time
Charlie samuelian on Dec 04, 2022 08:12 PM
Can you guys add canvas student dashboard? I would like to be able to check my grade and not have to go on my parents phone every time I have to check. And also maybe add a stock app because I like to also check the market
DJ_Newsome on Dec 07, 2022 09:02 PM
Dose the Gabb watch able to have these other things as the Gabb Phone? I would like to purchase the Gabb Music but I'm unsure if it is available to the watch. I got the watch as I figured it would be easy for my 10yr old bit to lose and it's just on her wrist making it easy to carry around.
Gabb User on Dec 08, 2022 09:48 PM
Thank you for adding an audio app. However, can you check it out it keeps crashing everytime I try scrolling through the music. And if you could can you make it to where we can setup playlists.
Gabb on Dec 13, 2022 05:06 PM
Hi there. Thank you for the feedback, we will make sure someone on our team sees this!
Gabb on Dec 13, 2022 05:07 PM
Hi Stephanie. We appreciate the feedback and will definitely make sure our team sees your request! We want to offer safe apps for kids that promote learning and creativity so this is definitely in the works.
Gabb on Dec 13, 2022 05:10 PM
Hi Charlie! This is a great suggestion. That is not currently an approved app but we will make sure our product team sees your request! Thank you for your feedback. We value your input!
Gabb on Dec 13, 2022 05:25 PM
Hi DJ! Great questions. Right now, Gabb Music is only available on Gabb Phones. We appreciate all of your feedback!
Gabb on Dec 13, 2022 05:28 PM
Hi there. We are sorry to hear you have experienced issues with the music app. Please reach out to our customer service team via chat on our website and they can help troubleshoot any issues you may have.
Dottie on Dec 26, 2022 08:02 PM
Does Gabb offer a health app where my daughter can track her general health and track her monthly cycle?
Dorthea on Dec 26, 2022 08:05 PM
Could you all allow Epic! Which is a free book app for students to join Gabb?
Gabb on Dec 29, 2022 09:27 AM
Hi Dottie, there is currently not an app for that but very likely one forthcoming. Keep on the lookout for any updates!
Gabb on Dec 29, 2022 09:27 AM
Hi Dorthea, we will make sure our team sees this request!
Summer on Jan 19, 2023 08:22 PM
Hey, FaceTime would be great! Sometimes it's hard to send videos (Limited video time) and in a call makes it hard to show what we're talking about
Connor on Jan 22, 2023 06:46 PM
will the travel/maps feature be the same concept as google maps or will it be different ! Thank You!
Duncan Vankoten on Jan 22, 2023 07:17 PM
I always spent my half an hour to read this web site’s posts everyday along with a cup of coffee.
Gabb on Jan 23, 2023 09:50 AM
Hi Summer! Because FaceTime is supported by Apple, we will not be able to add exactly that but we will take this feedback to see what could work on our devices.
Gabb on Jan 23, 2023 10:19 AM
Hi Connor. If we were to add a maps feature, it would be similar to other maps apps out there. The bottom line is that it needs to be safe for kids.
Rdburnsworth on Feb 03, 2023 03:39 PM
I am an adult to switch from a smartphone to this Gabb plus Wireless. The only thing I feel that is missing is travel Maps. I don't want to have to buy a separate navigation system. Please, please, please make this available soon. Thank you
Gabb on Feb 03, 2023 04:23 PM
We appreciate this feedback and will make sure out team sees this!
Steven on Feb 07, 2023 03:13 PM
What is the timeframe for the list of approved 3rd party apps coming out? Seems like it's been in process for months now. We have been paying for a phone for a while and our kid keeps asking about this.
Gabb on Feb 08, 2023 03:10 PM
Hi Steven! We have launched a few third-party apps under the categories of education, spirituality, and weather. You can add these in your MyAccount! We are also actively adding more third-party apps, our website has a list of categories of what is to come with our third-party apps.
Aaleah on Feb 19, 2023 06:03 PM
Will there ever be an app store with safe 3rd party apps?
Gabb on Feb 21, 2023 04:37 PM
This is a great idea! For now, you can add third-party apps in your MyAccount!
sebastian on Apr 02, 2023 07:03 PM
i want to know if you guys can add in the maps on the phone for my son please
Gabb on Apr 03, 2023 03:33 PM
Hi Sebastian! We're not sure what device you have, the maps app is available on our Gabb Phone Plus!
jae on Apr 24, 2023 12:12 PM
Will we be able to have youtube?
Gabb on Apr 27, 2023 12:34 PM
Hi Jae! At this time, we do not plan on adding YouTube!
who1234 on May 08, 2023 02:17 PM
could you add some kid safe free games to the gabb phone it is very nice that you have provided kids with safe things but it would be great to add safe games for kids to play and do
Alexa on May 08, 2023 02:20 PM
this is great but it would be nice to add games
Gabb on May 25, 2023 09:50 AM
Great feedback! We will be sure to pass this along to our product team.
Timmy on May 30, 2023 12:52 AM
please add facetime to the gabb phone
Timmy on May 30, 2023 01:01 AM
and will the other third party apps be only for the gabb phone plus because i think that you should make all the apps available to all gabb phones
Gabb on May 31, 2023 12:53 PM
Thanks, Timmy! This is something we'd be happy to look into!
Gabb on May 31, 2023 12:54 PM
Thanks, Timmy! A lot of our third-party apps will be available on the Gabb Phone as well! Keep an eye on our website to see what's available.
User on Aug 25, 2023 05:07 PM
It would be great if it had Bandlab, Canvas, Khan academy, curated youtube, a social sharing game app that you can play with friends through gabb messenger
Gabb on Sep 01, 2023 10:39 AM
Thanks for these app requests!
Logan G on Oct 17, 2023 04:47 PM
I love my phone but would like to see more phone case options and would like to see games
Gabb on Oct 18, 2023 11:53 AM
Thanks Logan for this feedback! We will be sure and share this with our team to take a look into!